Chris Bosh says he is waiting on LeBron. Aren't we all?

As Mick Jagger said: Chris Bosh is not waiting on a lady, he's just waiting on LeBron. (Well, he said something like that, it was a long time ago and I was pretty stoned last time I heard that song.)

Chris Bosh admitted on ESPN radio this morning what we all knew already: LeBron eats first at the free agent table. Then others can have the leftovers. (Thanks to the Contra Costa Times for transcribing.)

"Am I waiting on LeBron? Pretty much," Bosh said. "I think everyone has to. I have to as well."

"He's a great player and I would be crazy to think that all the teams that are considering him, they would talk to somebody else first," Bosh said. "I think everybody is going to be going at him first.

"They'll probably call him at 12:01," Bosh added. "Hopefully they'll call me at 12:02."

If LeBron and Dwyane Wade stay home, that is when things get interesting for Bosh. Does he see if Cleveland can work a sign-and-trade to pair him with LeBron? Or do the same thing with Wade in Miami? Or be his own man and pair up with Derrick Rose in Chicago? Bosh instantly makes any of those teams a serious threat. And he could be the one that shifts the balance of power this summer.

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